Monday, November 5, 2007


All new episode of Journeyman tonight. Eeek! I'm super excited.
Just had to say it :)

Ok but what I wanted to talk about is the screen writers strike that's going on in Hollywood. Though I support them- they deserve a paycheck increase
(hey, they create the stuff), I really hope this issue is resolved soon, because if not I will my miss my shows DEARLY. The news were saying that prime time is set up until January but after January? What then? What's going to happen to my JOURNEYMAN, PUSHING DAISIES, GREY'S ANATOMY, Ugly Betty, Dirty.Sexy.Money, & Big Shots?? I worry very much. ;) and not just that but what about the people that will lose their job as a result of this strike? The non writers? Sad, sad situation.

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